About Buying My New Movie Script

Outline of “Roaring Depression” Movie Script

● The following story outline is true and documented with exact dates and times (verified
with an extended series of articles in wellknown
newspapers, over a period of one
● The story, which I will present in outline form, is documented in our family genealogy.
● Time frame is 19281929
● First headline in a major newspaper " Is Sanger a Murderer ? " " Death of
Newborn Infant Being Investigated " " Mrs. Sanger told police she was kicked in
the stomach three times while she was pregnant"
● The newspaper stated "The case is a most unusual and revolting case" .
● Newspaper headline ( one month later ) : "Man wanted for murder is on the run"
( accompanied with complete article ). "Tried to Shield Husband" ( It turns out
later that there's a good reason she tried to shield her husband from a murder
charge) "Wife's Story Disregarded and Sanger is Wanted for Murder"
● Newspaper Headline 2 weeks later: " Mrs. Sanger Dies of Her Injuries " "Death
is a Result of Blows Delivered by Husband" ( according to newspaper )
● Additional Headline: Funeral is Stopped by Coroner" " Searching for Witness"
● Next Headline: " Charles Patrick, Alleged Paramour of Late Mrs. Sanger is
● Direct Testimony (given to Police and Coroner) " Mr. Patrick was involved with
Mrs. Sanger. The witness said that Mrs. Sanger often met Mr. Patrick and on one
occasion Mrs. Sanger met Mr. Patrick at the ( Famous Icon) hotel all night and
that he gave her some money" .
● Next Headline: "Police Officer Byers Tied to Mrs. Sanger and Involved in Cover
● Next Headline: "Sanger Arrested For Murder"
● Next Headline: " Sanger Escapes From Jail"
● Next Headline: Flees But Is Caught" ( Mr. Sanger still insists that he did not kick
his wife and that he can prove it ).
● Testimony of a witness: Mrs. Sanger had told her that she was in a "delicate condition"
(pregnant), and that her husband had gotten her three bottles of medicine" "She said
that she would kill him (Mr. Sanger) if he didn't get the fourth (bottle of drugs), and she
would also kill herself and the baby if one was born" ...(they already had three children
and were financially broke).
● Police Officer Smith testified at length that he had been called to the Sanger home on
several occasions and that Mr. Sanger had never been drunk or quarrelsome, but hsi
wife was both. He testified that Mrs. Sanger "bore a bad reputation and was seen on
the street all hours of the day and night". "He made no attempt to strike his wife or to
make reply to her abuse". "He sat rocking his baby by the window".
● Officer Smith testified of calling Dr. Young, who refused to take the case (give medical
treatment to Mrs. Sanger), and how Captain Staten "roasted" Dr. Young over the
telephone for failure to respond to an emergency call."
If you are interested in hearing how the story takes a very unexpected turn with a bizarre
Please Contact: Don Pentecost

Tags; movie scripts, movie script, screenplay, screenplays, movie scripts for sale, book manuscripts, manuscripts for sale, movie scripts, movie scripts for sale, american movie scripts, dubai movies, abudhabi movies, dubai film festival, abudhabi film festival, american films, 


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